Pastors 2024-11-26T09:54:43-05:00

Having served as a head of staff in two congregations for almost two decades, I have discovered I enjoy empowering others in ministry, as much as I enjoy serving in ministry.  In my work with the Presbytery of Great Rivers and with Monmouth College, I have discovered gifts from administration and teaching, as well.  Writing a monthly column for a local publication and serving as an on-call chaplain, I have enjoyed many opportunities to care for people outside of our congregation.  Nevertheless, at the end of the day, I am a pastor and preacher at heart.  Wherever God may be calling me…  Whatever challenges we may face…  I look forward to working with others God has called to that time and place that, together; we may faithfully fulfill the work God has called us to do.

The church is called to recognize the humanity of all who suffer.  The church is called to respond by ministering to their needs, ending their humiliation, and participating in their lives.  In this way, the church is called to witness to God’s power to restore people, and redeem lives.

Worship is central to our life together, and all we do in the life of the church must be a faithful response to God – who encounters us in worship, and through our lives.  Having experienced what amazing things can be done in the name of Jesus Christ, when people are united in ministry, I am seeking a call to a congregation, where we may use our God given talents, together, as we seek to “Glorify God, And Enjoy God Forever.”

In my free time I like to relax with Margie, and our dog, Bea.  I enjoy sports; going to movies, concerts, and plays; growing roses; driving in the country; and, hiking in the woods.  I’ve also been known to play the bagpipes and do a little acting.

Through my experiences of ministry, I have discovered my calling in ministry is to provide and interpret opportunities in which we may experience God’s gracious love.  Although often expressed in different ways, the message of the gospel as proclaimed to us – young people and adults, feeble in body, mind or soul – is the same:  “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”

Dr. Rev. William C. Myers

(304) 343-8961 ext.116