Mission Outreach 2023-02-09T15:51:08-05:00

Mission Outreach

First Presby is blessed with a rich history of mission outreach both on a local and global scale. Our foundation and fabric is built on being faithful to God’s command to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” We do this through hands-on ministry and financial support. We are honored to partner with agencies and people who work tirelessly to provide help and hope to those in need. There are many opportunities locally and globally to serve and engage your heart in the name of Christ.


Barefoot Sunday

Scatter to Serve Workdays

Hope Village

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Hope and Justice Fair Trade Market

Local Grant Check Recipients

Hope Center

Coated with Kindness

Weekend Food Bags for Chandler Academy

Soup-er Bowl Sunday

40 Cans for 40 Days

Mission Coworkers

Rev. Bob and Kristi Rice

Serving South Sudan

Tracey King-Ortega

Serving Central America

Rev. Douglas Dicks

Serving Israel & Palestine

Rev. Jed and Jennifer Koball

Serving Peru