The Wee People were hand-crafted by some our very talented First Presbyterian ladies. They help us to illustrate the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem during our Advent season. Each week more and more Wee People join Mary and Joseph to help narrate the story of the baby Jesus!
The First Sunday of Advent
Mary and Joseph embark on their journey
Augustus, emperor of Rome, has odered a census of everyone in his empire. Every Jewish man has to return to his hometown to be recorded in order for the Roman Empire to collect taxes. Joseph and Mary, who is pregnant, must make the journey to Bethlehem, Joseph’s hometown.
The Second Sunday of Advent
Mary and Joseph are joined by a few friends.
Mary and Joseph continue on their way to Bethlehem. Now the shepherds and their sheep have arrived. Some of the sheep stay close to the shepherds while others seem to be exploring. Mary and Joseph have a long and tiring trip to Bethlehem, and the shepherds have the important job of keeping their sheep safe and sound.
The Third Sunday of Advent:
An angel appears.
Mary and Joseph are getting closer to Bethlehem! Our friends, the sheep seem to enjoy climbing very much. You may even find one in your pew! We have a new guest with us now. Look for Gloria, an angel with red hair. We have been told that she likes to sing, she may even join the choir!
The Fourth Sunday of Advent:
The star comes out!
Mary and Joseph are very close to Bethlehem now! The shepherds and their sheep seem to have joined the congregation.
Look for the star! The Jews are not the only ones who were looking for a great king promised by God. The wise men are on a journey to find the Christ child, the one who would rule the world with justice and peace. They stop to rest in the main hallway as they follow the star!
Christmas Eve:
The Baby Jesus has arrived!
At first, the shepherds experience feelings of wonder and awe as they receive a message from the angels. Had they been dreaming? They race across the field towards the town of Bethlehem to find the new baby as the wise men continue to follow the star!
The Sunday after Christmas:
The shepherds and sheep have spread out to the fields (beyond the sanctuary) to tell the good news of Jesus’ birth! The wise men are still following the star.
Epiphany Sunday:
Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus have moved to a little house. Fortunately there is always work for a good carpenter. Joseph must earn enough to feed his family.
The wise men arrive at the little house with their gifts of gold, fit for a king; frankincense, the sweet smelling incense offered in the temples of worship in their lands; and myrrh, the fragrant spice used in burying the dead. They have finally found the king! Soon they will depart to begin the long trek home.